If You Can Dream It #sweetdreams

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt A lot has happened to me over the past few weeks, and none of it involves my writing, sad to report. Until last night, that is. Before I shut my eyes and went to sleep last night, and for weeks prior, life came at me in all directions -- with zero good intentions. I finally started back to work as a substitute teacher and Para-Pro after sinking a ton of money into my car only to have said car die on me again. Well, it isn't dead, just brake trouble. But, the real trouble with the brakes is that I sunk a majority of money into having them fixed the first time, so why all of a sudden is there a line leak? It says so right on the work order: check lines for leaks. New pads, new rotors, checked for leaks. Whatever. The guy who did the initial work gave me that smug, "It ain't me!" look and then proceeded to claim it would cost about $2,000 to fix because ...