RWW Blog Hop - Can't Escape the Past

Every Tuesday, members of RWW get together for a blog hop. We are a terrific support group for fellow Romance Authors and love to share our experiences, and we give/receive help with our writing dilemmas. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM HANDYSIDES ! I hope you arrived here after having visited with Veronica Forand . This week, Tracey Gee poses the following: As we all know, authors put real people and situations into their books. Let's look at the times we've pushed through the pain by putting bad experiences or relationships into our works whether for therapy, or just as a way to close the door. The minute I read this week's question, it immediately struck me that yes, I do, in fact, inject bits and pieces of me into my characters! (long, silent pause in shamed reflection) (then laughs like an idiot at self) = ) ) I do lean on my past horrors even when I don't want to -- injecting my own pain, suffering, and sadness into my charac...