Loving the Marquess (Landing a Lord Book 1) by Suzanna Medeiros #review

Pages - 316 Publisher - Suzanna Medeiros Published - January 14, 2013 Genre - Historical Romance, Regency Series - Book 1 of 2, Landing a Lord Amazon - Link Language - tame Sexual Content - 2/5 Narrative - 3rd P She is on the verge of losing everything… To save her home and keep her two younger siblings safe, Louisa Evans must turn to the head of the family that ruined hers. He needs an heir… The Marquess of Overlea is starting to show signs of having inherited the same illness that killed his father and older brother. To prevent the marquisate from falling into the hands of an unscrupulous cousin, Overlea must secure an heir before that illness also claims him. But he is determined not to be the father of that heir… Overlea’s plan is simple—marry the practical, yet desperate, Miss Evans and hold Louisa to her promise to provide him with an heir. But he waits until after they are married to tell his wif...