I Can't Help It #MFRWauthor #BlogChallenge

Hi everyone, and welcome back for Week 26 of the MFRW.org 52-Week Blog Challenge . This week, we're asked to explain (or, in my case, reason away) Why I Write . Well, it's simple, really. I write because I like to write. As a rare human being who has never experienced true love nor had it reciprocated, my desire to find it on my own by writing it into scripts for the make-believe characters coming to life inside my head is the next best thing. Conjuring up two people, a place (be it fictitious or real), and sending them off on an up/down adventure that leads to romance is exciting. It's also complex. While I like to write what pops into my head, and I really like the idea of my actually having a 'voice' with which to shout out, "Hey! It's me, and I'm trying to make it in the world by doing my own thing!" it hasn't panned out... yet. Marketing (grumble) I could say I like to write more than I like to edit or MARKET my stori...