Week 8 - Worst Writing Advice I've Received #MFRWauthor #BlogHop

Hello, again! Before I delve into this week's Challenge Question, I'd like to share a little 'funny' with y'all, if you don't mind. It kind of falls in line with today's topic, I think. While subbing for a 5th grade class this afternoon (it's Thursday) I saw a Goes Home announcement on the teacher's desk. The school is having a Bagel Drive, and it read as follows: "All you have to do is (comma) bring in a dollar and turn it into your teacher." Welcome back for Week Eight of the MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge . This week we are asked to discuss: The Worst Writing Advice I've Gotten And, like always, I have to remark on that word, Gotten . Blech. I gave it a better word in my Title, though. This week's Challenge Question is both great and evil for me, but I'll try very hard not to expound on the Evil (as in, I'll TRY). Just know I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm a ...