Romance Genre Favorites to Read and Write #MFRWauthor #Bloghop

Hi! Welcome to Week 17 of the MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge . This week's topic of discussion is: Favorite Romance Genre to Read or Write To Read I love to read a variety of Romance novel genres as long as they are entertaining, thoughtful, and have a REAL romance to the story. I enjoy the escapism involved with paranormal and fantasy, and I like the world-building aspect of Science Fiction romance. But, my very favorite sub-genre of Romance is Historical, though I can't quite commit to one historical time period over another. I lean towards Regency, but Victorian, Highlander, and Medieval romance are great as well if the above-mentioned aspects are there, that is. If the historical content is there and written in a way that educates/informs, and if the plot isn't in a saturated context (reads like a hundred other such novels), and if there actually IS a romance involved, then I am going to enjoy every second of that read. Sadly, thi...