Pets & Friends, Yes! #MFRWauthor #Bloghop

Hi, there!

This is Week 16 of the MFRW Author Blogs 52-Week Blog Challenge, and this week's topic is:

Family, Friends, and Pets I've Written Into My Books.

My immediate response is NONE, but something tells me I included my first dog in my first novel, and it probably sounds even worse that I don't remember, right?

I know it is a dog that finally brings my H & h together near the ending, but I don't recall if I used Yukon or just a random doggy to do the job.

Anyway, it isn't that I don't like the idea of using people I know and inserting them into my stories.

For me, it just isn't Romance-inducing to think about Family, if that makes any sense to you dear readers.

Thinking about my mom or dad while writing a Romance novel is counter-productive... the same way thinking about either one of them during sex would be.


However, and more and more, I've come to like the idea of slipping myself or someone I'm fond of into one of my stories... like a book shop owner or a cafe barista.

It's quaint and a wonderful homage to said person or animal.

I don't know why I never thought to include animals in my stories, either.

One of my fondest memories as a young lady was reading a particular Johanna Lindsey romance.

It included a scene with a Viking warrior, after having raided a Scottish clan and stolen the h, returning with her to Sweden, and then painstakingly getting h to warm up to him.

She hated him for a good, many chapters.

But then the inevitable occurred.

They had finally made love, and he was thoroughly overjoyed.

But then, in the middle of the night, he's sound asleep with a goofy smile, when her cat proceeds to walk directly across his face, startling him.

I never laughed so hard nor identified so easily!

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I am toying with the idea of including myself in my latest work.

The trouble is, I don't know how to paint myself.

Who I'd like to be?

Who I truly am?

A little bit of both?

Also, I'm not as close to my immediate family members and even less close with my relatives to want to include them in my novels.

As for friends, I've mentioned that before as well.

I do, sometimes, draw from an incident I recall from my earlier days or heard recently, involving an old friend or new friend, and then I expound, rework, and mold that incident into my own story.

A few of my Facebook friends who know I write actually enjoy sharing their personal stories or something that happened to their friend or family member -- knowing it might make good copy!


So, hey!

I guess I can answer this week's question with a Yes!

I do, in fact, include 'friends' in my stories.

Just not the way the question is likely implying... that's all.

As always, I thank you kindly for stopping by and reading my post!

Please scroll down to the Linkylink tool and click on the next in line to find out if they Include Family, Friends, or Pets in Their Novels.

Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. To help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully and with purpose, Marketing for Romance Writers is announcing the 2018 Blog Challenge. Each week, authors use our writing prompt to create a meaningful blog post. We'll be posting every Friday... join us as often as possible.
All authors with blogs are welcome to participate.


  1. I think your answer fits, or maybe it's because I have a similar round about answer. While I've not put anyone *directly* into the story, I have pulled bits and pieces from their personalities to give to a character. It works!

  2. like the idea of using a character as an homage; and you're right on about cats alive/dead test

  3. Love the cat graphic! I pictured the scene, but I must've missed that Johanna Lindsey book. Maybe once you chose a role, the role itself would determine how you painted yourself.


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