Romance Weekly Blog Hop - My Characters, Myself

It's Tuesday again, and that means another fun and informative blog hop involving Romance Novelists and the questions asked of their craft. Thank you for hopping on over after a visit to Patti Fiala . This week, Xio Axelrod poses the following: Readers always ask "How much of yourself do you lend to your characters?" Here's your chance to answer. What traits do your characters have that come from you? And if not you, someone in your life. This is another great question, and I hope my answer is just as great while also being informative yet succinct. A little. I should probably expound just a little, too. As for me personally, not much of myself goes into my fictional characters. Well, it is true that I'm involved when it comes to things such as likes, dislikes, preferences, and hobbies. I'm very particular about certain things, and my characters tend to be that way, too. But, I don't like that it does and work hard to elimin...