Editing Angst II

relatable-anime-moments-tumblr It's great to feel the way the girl above apparently does, but while or after having read a wonderful novel. And, speaking of novels . . . If I continue to edit my second work, it is apt to turn into an entirely new story, so I really must cease with the edits at this point. Here's the problem with that, though: I keep thinking. And, we all know where that leads, right? I keep thinking that maybe it isn't enough romance, or that I missed a lot of the show vs tell issue that everyone hates, or that I spent too much time on a scene and the reader will get bored, or that I didn't do enough to convey thought or emotion in another instance. The only thing I'm ever truly confident about in my writing is the Strunk & White aspect, but even so, I still find goofy boo-boo's here and there. I'm always afraid. Afraid of not only the unknown but the known as well. My first novel turned into somet...