A #Review of The Baron's Quest by Elizabeth Rose

Book One of Three Pages - 257 Publisher - RoseScribe Media Inc. Published - July 28, 2015 Sold by - Amazon Digital Services LLC Series - Barons of the Cinque Ports 1-3 Genre - Historical Romance, Medieval Narrative - 3rd Person Sexual Content - 4/5 Language - 1/5 Nicholas Vaughn is Lord of New Romney and also a Baron of the Cinque Ports. He directs a fleet of ships that service the king 15 days a year in exchange for special privileges. When Muriel Draper causes havoc on his wharf, he realizes she is a spinster - a woman who spins wool for a living - from the town. Her late father has angered the Clothmaker's Guild and now Muriel and her brother have been excommunicated from the guild and also left with a debt to the baron that he insists Muriel repays. She can either give the baron her deceased mother's wedding ring - the only memory of her parents she has left - or she can live with him at his manor ...