My (expletive) Thoughts on Failure

Yeah, pretty harsh if I do say so myself. I'm frustrated, though, so (for me) it's natural to get all worked up, want to break things, and just shout every cuss word known to man. Like, F*ck you, stupid *sshole Video Editing software for SAYING you convert files but then don't. But, that's not MY fault, it's theirs! They are liars who trick people like me, who don't know sh*t about editing, into thinking they are getting what they need only to find out they aren't. And, kiss my fat *ss, Video Editing Software, for showing me how to insert clips and audio, but then when I go to upload the file to YouTube, YouTube tells me, "Nuh-uh! All this is is an Audio File. Click here to find out how to add Video to your... um... video." Right. Like, the 3+ hours I just spent working on what I know was VIDEO with audio added wasn't actually video? Again, that wasn't ME being a stupid *ss but the software. The piece of sh*t Vide...