A Novel Competition for Romance Writers

Kensington & Wattpad Partner for Romance Competition. Details here.
The competition is open to any previously unpublished author of romance fiction who joins Wattpad. The grand prize winner of contest will receive a publishing contract from Kensington and their novel will be published in both print and digital formats under Kensington’s new imprint, Zebra Shout.
From what I've heard recently, using Wattpad to submit unpublished work and have it read for free by their claimed 40 Million users isn't as risky as it used to be. They offer users the ability to add All Rights Reserved to their work so as to avoid plagiarism and theft.

Still, in that 40m, there has to be at least one fool willing to take a risk, eh?

On the other hand, I can't think of a better, more fun way to get recognized for our work, hard effort, and talent, can you?

We have until the 23rd of February to submit the 5,000 words and a synopsis, and this is only open to new Wattpad users, btw. I think I may have opened an account under another alias and email a year or two ago, so I'm safe.

And, by WE I may mean YOU since it is unclear what they mean by unpublished. Is that through a publisher, or does it include ePub as well? In the latter's case, I would be excluded.

As well, for me, it's coming up with the right story and a killer synopsis that always stop me from ever going ahead with any such contest or submission.

Honestly, summing up anything, even a book report back in elementary school, always proved to be a monumental task fraught with procrastination, frustration, and tears. Just as it is for me today with every novel synopsis I've ever tried to write and which came up just short of awful. :-(


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