Romance Weekly Blog Hop - Flash Fiction

Thank you for hopping over from Carolyn Spear . This week, Veronica Forand wants us to do some Flash Fiction - 100 words - using spring, coffee, and lizard. Way Back When . . . It seems like only yesterday that I traveled out west for high school Senior Break. Dad had arranged that trip, but I had wanted to do what everyone else did: head down to Daytona Beach. Lake Havasu was cool. The London Bridge was there, and I'd liked to have walked across it, except that if my Aunt Anne asked and I said yes, then it meant no. I saw my first lizard while I was there. Lots of them, actually, along with a few road runners that didn't resemble the cartoon depiction whatsoever. We drove to Long Beach via the desert, and in spring it was a sight to behold. Along the way, we stopped at an honest-to-gosh roadside cafe with tumbleweed, cactus, and medieval gas pumps outside. Not being a coffee drinker, I opted for a can of Coke to get me through the last few hundred miles ...