Romance Weekly Blog Hop - Flash Fiction

Thank you for hopping over from Carolyn Spear.

This week, Veronica Forand wants us to do some Flash Fiction - 100 words - using spring, coffee, and lizard.

Way Back When . . .

It seems like only yesterday that I traveled out west for high school Senior Break.

Dad had arranged that trip, but I had wanted to do what everyone else did: head down to Daytona Beach.

Lake Havasu was cool. The London Bridge was there, and I'd liked to have walked across it, except that if my Aunt Anne asked and I said yes, then it meant no.

I saw my first lizard while I was there. Lots of them, actually, along with a few road runners that didn't resemble the cartoon depiction whatsoever.

We drove to Long Beach via the desert, and in spring it was a sight to behold.

Along the way, we stopped at an honest-to-gosh roadside cafe with tumbleweed, cactus, and medieval gas pumps outside.

Not being a coffee drinker, I opted for a can of Coke to get me through the last few hundred miles of that tense journey in the back seat of Uncle George's 1964 Dodge Rambler.


The coke spilled between my legs.

Terrified that Aunt Anne would blow a gasket, I sat in that sticky mess with my lips zipped tight while she rattle on about my awful dad who never taught us Lithuanian or told us stories about 'the good old days' back in 'the old country'.

*Sigh. I wish I had ordered a coffee instead.

At least I ended up being the envy of all my classmates, who spent their week in dismal, cold, and rainy Florida.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my first-ever attempt at a Flash Fiction :D

And now, let's hop on over and visit with Andrea at A.S. Fenichel to find out what she wrote using the words spring, coffee, and lizard.


  1. Ah, loved the 'silver lining' at the end. Some great imagery here.

  2. If this was your first attempt at flash fiction, it's a huge success. Well done. Lots of great images here. Loved it.

  3. This was fantastic :) I could actually feel the discomfort of sitting in spilt coke for miles on end :)

  4. Loved this snippet, Raine! Even without the pictures I could visualize the place and setting. Good first attempt!

  5. Great imagery, and the poor thing - sitting in wet, sticky coke. Loved your flash fiction piece!

  6. Lovely imagery! I was right there in the sticky mess lol.


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