A Thursday Thoughts Post

Thursday is almost done with, and I'm just now getting around to blogging.

The big Holiday's are over now, and at my age, the whirlwind continues to increase as far as 'my, how time flies' goes.

It was a wonderful time, though, and a first for me in a very long time, too, so that is a nice report for my readers!

Last week, I received an e-mail from someone who commented on an old post from an old blog and said that she misses me and my writing.  I was so touched by this that I decided to visit the old site and get it up and running again.

For my one fan out there.

So, from now on, my Asian Drama posts will be at my Asian Drama Queen blog here on blogger. And, with all of the episodes for Oh, My, Venus  finally uploaded, my fan can look forward to a review about it very soon!

Normally, I don't do resolutions. I learned decades ago that they lead to just one thing: disappointment.

Yet, I had a bit of fun reading the many and varied posts from others about just that and picked up a few pointers and notions along the way.

Mainly, that I'm going to continue to try and be good to myself.

Thinking positive is more of a self-help, Stuart Smally's Daily Affirmations  kind of thing with me, and as often as I fail at them, I still continue to try and maintain a positive outlook on my life.

Continuing to write (and blog) despite myself and a general lack of enthusiasm from others is another daily goal of mine.

More good news!

I did manage to find a BETA reader who agreed to read my second novel, Love Over Time, for honest and helpful feedback. I can't wait to hear from her and discover the good, the bad, the ugly, and (most importantly) the helpful advice that she gives.

It seems none of us is having much luck winning the Power Ball jackpot, and so I continue to buy that single purchase easy-pick ticket in the hopes of getting lucky.

What would you do with $700,000,000.00 after taxes?

Of course, I'm still reading AND writing, but reading MORE than writing, which is pretty usual for me and not something I'm stressing out or losing any sleep over.

So far, I've had to by-pass three of the free-to-download from Amazon novels because of GPS issues and a general lack of enthusiasm for the story on my part.

One was written really badly, and after reading the phrases  he goes, she goes  numerous times, I wanted to stop. However, it didn't actually occur until I read  I seen  and THEN I stopped reading anymore of the first-person, obviously written by a young, inexperience female, contemporary romance novel.

The second-worst novel is one I'm still struggling to read clean through, and not because of GPS issues, although I've come across a few at 89% through.

No, this one is another FREE on Amazon contemporary romance written in first-person that is going absolutely nowhere.

At this point, I feel as if I'm running in a tight circle behind this woman, waiting and hoping for something exciting and new to occur -- but, it hasn't, and I cringe inwardly to know that it won't!

I'm the dumb one to keep doing it, though, right?

She goes to work, she gabs with her best friend/co-workers, she dodges a lame guy in the office, she bumps into the hot guy and right away he's crazy about her, she visits her family and argues with them, she gets into another cat fight with her sisters, she goes to work and talks to her best friend/co-workers, dodges the lame guy, bumps into the hot guy, visits with family, argues with sisters, goes to work, talks with her best friend/co-workers, leaves and bumps into the hot guy, visits with her family, argues with her sisters ........................................................

Which brings me to first-person novels in general.

I've said it before, but, I just don't like them. They don't, really say anything worth writing or reading about!

I've read numerous first-person romance, and I still have the same opinion.

In first-person, the feeling lasts for approximately three chapters, and then the repetition-sameness creeps in and I'm ready to move on. I want more but I know it isn't going to be given to me.

You're stuck inside one person's head for the duration. You're the fly on the wall being voyeur to every instance of one person's life; unable to fly off and visit with anyone else to find out how they feel, what they're thinking, and why they're even in the story.

It's like being shown gorgeous pictures of vacation get-aways and then being told you're never, EVER going to visit them.


There's only so much a single person can say, do, think, and feel before we get the idea of their personality. Being made (forced) to have to stick it out for 28 or sometimes even 35 chapters of the same dialogue, the same emotional roller coaster, and the same thought processes/outcome is asking way, too much of this particular reader.

If you've read (or written) any fantastic, enthralling, and can't-put-it-down romance novels written in first-person, please clue me in!

WIP Data

Word Count: 40,976
Chapters: 14 complete
Title: no
Cover: no
In Love with Lead: yes
Issues: yes
Confidence Level: medium
Projected Finish: April, 2016


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