Congratulations! #MFRWauthor #Bloghop

Hi, everyone. Welcome to Week 12 of the MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge . This Week's Topic is: My Contest Experiences (Win, Lose, Get Signed?) (queue the laugh track, please) (crickets?) Yeah, I have nothing to contribute to this week's challenge topic, sorry. I think we've gone over this before, but, I'm too sensitive and spineless to set myself up for anything that involves the possibility of failure or judgement via peer evaluation. I play the Lottery when their jackpots go sky-high, but even then I don't get anything in return. An old friend of mine took her little ones down to some zoo in Ohio, and they were having a raffle that particular day, and of the thousands who went to that zoo that day, SHE came home with a brand new Chrysler convertible. She told me she 'just had this feeling' she was going to win, and she did. There was the time, ages ago, when some fitness club phoned to say I'd won thei...