Nine - On the Rocks #MFRWauthor #BlogHop

Quick Note: I want to address the following Bloggers: Taniya Deaton, Courtney Hunt, Leigh Anderson, Maureen Bonatch, Alina K. Field, and Natalia Prats.

Last Week's Hop was messed up, I know, and this might have something to do with that, but when I clicked on your links, the following message appeared:

I never know if it's a problem on my end, the internet in general, or an actual, real issue that needs resolving.

Regardless, these types of warnings make me really nervous and scream VIRUS in my head, and as you can see, I had no other option but to click Back to Safety.

I do apologize for not being able to see or read your content in order to comment and help your traffic numbers increase, and I do hope this week proves different for us all.

Hello, again, and welcome back to the 2018 MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge.

This is Week 9, and today's discussion topic is: What I Would Invent if I Were Stuck on an Island

And, to your surprise, I won't be mentioning the Were/Was thing this time, because, in all honesty, I just don't know how to explain it!

(other than to say my mind auto-read WAS, and that WERE sounds wrong)

What I'm more inclined to dwell on is the topic of discussion... which, to me, seems a bit odd, even childish, and not something I want to spend a ton of time going into elaborate detail to explain.

So, here's my response.


I'd figure out some way to supply myself with fresh drinking water for the duration.

I suppose if my island included a lot of flora and palm fronds aplenty, this wouldn't be too much of an issue as I'd be able to rig some contraption to collect the rain-dew from these leaves.

I know that sand is a great way to filter harsh water and somehow purify it, but I think it also involves charcoal.

If I was able to build bonfires, though, then I'd end up with a decent supply of that, too.

I can't say I'd miss things like electricity or internet access, because I've been without before and found those times to be incredibly relaxing, nostalgic, and just plain enjoyable, so you won't hear me complaining too much in that regard.

However, using a sharpened stick to write my stories in the sand to pass the time would quickly become an issue with me, I just know it.

Since the water thing isn't going to prove to be too much of a dilemma, I'd probably second this one with devising some contraption to help me make paper... provided I'm already with a pen or pencil, of course.

But! Going back to the charcoal from the campfire thing... and the stick...

With my luck, my desert island would probably resemble something like this:

Island Theodori, north of Crete, Greece

I see caves, but not a whole lot in the way of water-catching flora, do you?

And yet, I think I might be able to figure out some way of capturing dripping water from within one of them caves... who knows?!

Also doesn't look like there's a whole lot in the way of sitting space, much less SAND to write on.

Just my luck, eh?

LOL, I just had a thought.

I'd end up becoming one of those cave dwellers who writes her stories in picture form on the walls of said caves!

It's not funny, actually.

I just made myself sad thinking about having to live out the remainder of my days this way, and it doesn't seem like a picnic to me, or a tranquil way to go out.

So, what would I do if this ended up being my final resting place?


Big, bold bonfires that some plane just has to see so I can be rescued from said hell and go home to my computer, my pens and paper supplies, and smile again.

As always, I thank you kindly for stopping by and reading my post!

Please scroll down to the LinkyLink tool and click on the next in line to read what they would Invent if They Were Stuck on a Deserted Island.

Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. To help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully, and with purpose, Marketing for Romance Writers is announcing the 2018 Blog Challenge. Each week, authors use our writing prompt to create a meaningful blog post. We'll be posting every Friday... join us as often as possible.
All authors with blogs are welcome to participate!


  1. I was receiving the invalid certificate message last week also. You're right about surviving without electric and amenities, I did it after Superstorm Sandy.But the prospect of never having television (or at least a radio for music) and computer to type my manuscript ever again is frightening. I survived a summer without television but had to periodically ran down the mountain for a dose of civilization.

  2. If I ever engage in any activity that COULD lead me to a desert island (or in the event of a zombie apocalypse, I'm calling YOU.

  3. I got those messages a week or two back. It was odd indeed so not just you.

    Water is super important. I figure if I ever really did end up on an island my chances of survival are slim to none. Water is super important so that's smart for it to be your go-to.


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