My Favorite Indulgence #MFRWauthor #Bloghop

Favorite Indulgence Hello, everyone, and welcome back for Week 26 of the MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge . Today's topic of discussion is: My Favorite Indulgence Like me eating potato chips, I can't give you just one, so in no particular order... BATHING I have been known to check myself in to a hotel that offers quality bath works just so I can fill up their big, jet-pulsing tub, sprinkle the steaming water with my favorite oil or scented salt, and slowly submerge for a glorious soak. And, I mean not caring that my skin is pruning by adding more hot water when necessary, because I'm gonna be in there for a while. Expensive? Yep. Worth the price? Oh, yep! MASSAGE This is a risky prospect because in all the years I've been aware of the benefits of a great massage, I've only ever received ONE that was worth the $$ (and, it was free!) I've tried Asian places that specialize in the treatment, and a few salon's that of...