My Favorite Indulgence #MFRWauthor #Bloghop
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Favorite Indulgence |
Hello, everyone, and welcome back for Week 26 of the MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge.
Today's topic of discussion is: My Favorite Indulgence
Like me eating potato chips, I can't give you just one, so in no particular order...
I have been known to check myself in to a hotel that offers quality bath works just so I can fill up their big, jet-pulsing tub, sprinkle the steaming water with my favorite oil or scented salt, and slowly submerge for a glorious soak.
And, I mean not caring that my skin is pruning by adding more hot water when necessary, because I'm gonna be in there for a while.
Expensive? Yep.
Worth the price? Oh, yep!
This is a risky prospect because in all the years I've been aware of the benefits of a great massage, I've only ever received ONE that was worth the $$ (and, it was free!)
I've tried Asian places that specialize in the treatment, and a few salon's that offer the treatment on the side for anywhere from $40 up to $140, with little to no lasting value.
However, being massaged still holds indulgent qualities in 1) human touch, 2) relaxation, and 3) feel-good, even if it is only temporary.
So, when I am feeling down, anxious, or overly self-indulgent, I'll head to the nearby Mall and drop some coins into a leather massage chair (which have been set out for the whole Mall population to see, but I don't care).
Sinking into a massage chair and allowing your entire body to be vibrated into a near-deep sleep state is Heaven when you need it most.
I know what you're thinking... this isn't indulgence since it is so common and can be enjoyed anywhere, any time.
I beg to differ since I am not a sweets person and RARELY indulge.
When I do, it has to be rare, like finding Coconut Ice Cream and asking for 4 scoops in a paper cup.
Or decadent, like a Banana Split with extra whipped cream on top.
It's difficult to describe the feeling, but you might liken it to being able to eat something so rare (even if it isn't) that you take your time relishing every, single bite.
Again, I know what you're probably thinking... that this, too, isn't an indulgence since it is so easy to do at any time and in any place.
Not for me, though.
Being poor means two (bi-annual) trips to a second-hand store for necessities and Target for undies and socks.
However, and when I get an utterly rare windfall of some sort, the first thing I do is allot a small sum for clothing.
Nothing (to me) screams "You wealthy b*tch, you!" like entering some fancy boutique and being fawned over by snooty employees who think you are a recent Lottery winner.
I did it once at Victoria's Secret to get fitted (first time ever) for a bra but was terrified to be greeted by a middle-aged MALE who not only asked what I was there to buy but what my preferences and sizes were, etc.
(I quickly said I was there to be fitted, and thankfully, he just as quickly led me to a young, grinning female who subsequently botched the measurements, but...)
I'm talking about entering a real clothing store with little in the way of SALE signs and knowing I am able to not only browse but try on, admire, and even purchase whatever strikes me as best.
As always, I thank you for stopping by to read my post.
Please scroll down to the LinkyLink tool and click on the next in line to discover what Their Favorite Indulgence might be.
Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. To help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully and with purpose, Marketing for Romance Writers is announcing the 2018 Blog Challenge. Each week, authors use our writing prompt to create a meaningful blog post. We'll be posting every Friday... join us as often as possible.
All authors with blogs are welcome to participate.
I'm with you in refusing to pick just one indulgence. Found your list interesting. Now I want a long soak in the tub and a back rub.