The One Thing I Can't Live Without #MFRWauthor #bloghop

Hello, there!

I missed last week's Hop, so this is now Week 24 of the MFRW Author Blog's 52-Week Blog Challenge, and the topic is: Item I Can't Live Without.

If you had asked me just two years ago if I could live without music, I'd have emphatically told you N.O.

Nearly my entire life was spent listening to, enjoying, recording, dancing to, and driving wherever with some type of music blaring back at me.

Especially when I was writing.

I honestly never believed it would be possible to write without ambient background filler to urge me on.

Any time I hopped in my car, or even as a kid hopping into mom or pop's car, the 'radio' was always on as soon as the engine turned over.

Elevators, fancy anchor stores at the mall, concerts, and even movies include some form of music.

But, lo and behold, people...

I have not been inclined to listen to music for more than a year.

I just stopped turning on the car radio, tuning in to my favorite internet sound files, or clicking on one of many Media folders filled with tons and tons of music.

I don't know why, or if it was something specific that caused me to stop, but I think it goes back to the day I had to say goodbye to my Hyundai Elantra.

Being without wheels for a set amount of time might have been the culprit, and it probably doesn't make a lot of sense considering I still have Groove Salad on, Spotify, and iTunes at my disposal.

Not to mention the tons of music files stored and cataloged on my Windows Media Player.

I just don't listen to music anymore.

Even when I write!

So, when I think about what to answer for this week's challenge question, I'm a bit wary about what to choose.


Must have something to do with my hands (when I'm not typing, playing a video game, or working).

My daily dose of Diet Coke?

It's a caffeine thing, really.

The internet?

I've said it before, that is something I know for a fact I can live without because I've been without numerous times and not once suffered any type of withdrawal symptom as a result.

The computer?

This might be a contender, because despite not caring whether I'm plugged in to the rest of the world or not, I do often wonder if any authors still use a typewriter, or better still, pen and paper to write their manuscripts.

Would anyone in the Publishing world accept a manuscript that way, I wonder?


Actually, if I were to choose BOOKS as my final answer, I feel safe in assuming this isn't just a passing fancy.

Well, go back to the MUSIC section above...

Right now, I would say that BOOKS are the one thing I could not do without because they are a nightly ritual with me and have been for years.

Before that, they were just a daily part of my life the same way that food, drink, and sleep were.

I just read because the books were there, they had lovely cover art, and inside was a world I wanted to escape to and often did.

I suppose the day may come when I can't read books anymore.

I mean, I already prefer my Kindle to paperback because of hand and wrist issues (makes me very sad, believe me), so it stands to reason that as I age, perhaps even trying to read from a Kindle will become an issue...

... except that there are also AUDIO versions of all the books I like, so yay!

I couldn't live without being able to read, so BOOKS is my final answer.

As always, I thank you for stopping by the read my post.

Please scroll down to the LinkyLink tool below and click on the next in line to discover what is their One Thing They Cannot Live Without.

Blogging is an opportunity for authors to connect with readers. Despite being writers, blogging is an entirely different style of writing and often stumps us. To help our authors blog consistently, thoughtfully and with purpose, Marketing for Romance Writers is announcing the 2018 Blog Challenge. Each week, authors use our writing prompt to create a meaningful blog post. We'll be posting every Friday... join us as often as possible.
All authors with blogs are welcome to participate. 


  1. Books was one of the items on my list also.

  2. Yep, books are on my list, too. I'm already to the point where I can't read regular size font print books anymore. I like the "Read to Me" option on my Kindle for the times my eyes have been staring at the computer screen too long.

  3. Book are on my list too.


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