Casting Pearls (of Wisdom) #MFRWauthor

Hello, and welcome back for Week 39 of the Marketing for Romance Writers 52-Week Author blog challenge. This week, we are asked to talk about: Words to Live By Well... this is a toughie, but for reasons you're probably not even assuming. When it comes to Pearls of Wisdom, I am on the BUNCO side. As a matter of fact, one of my future Vlog uploads will be covering this very topic. But, to play fair here, I'll start by offering up "Always Wear Clean Underwear" Honestly, you just never know, so play it safe and do the wise thing prior to leaving the house for any reason whatsoever. "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" I have NO idea how to interpret this, I just like saying it and think it's funny, so hopefully, if you need to giggle a little, this might do the trick. "As You Think, So Shall You Become ~Bruce Lee" This most accurately proves why I am not a fan of Words of Wisdom, because if he's right, then I am con...