Procrastinating is One of Them #MFRWauthor #BlogChallenge

I'm late!

I'm Late!

For a very important DATE, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm LATE!!


Life is one of my worst habits, people.

Hello, and welcome to another (late) installment of the MFRWauthor 52-Week Blog Challenge.

It's Week 35, and today's question is: What Are Your BAD Habits.

1. Procrastination

as evidenced by my very late entry this week!

If I know I have to do something, I will put it off until it isn't possible anymore, and then have at it like some psycho on crack cocaine.

Like right now with me typing this entry before the time runs out!!

I used to tell everyone (about housework) that I needed to have a bomb put underneath me to get me motivated, and sadly, it will always be true.

2. Cigarettes

a billion pardons PC world, but yes, I am guilty as charged.

Long story short, I was never involved in a war, had a death-defying or life-changing experience, nor was I overly anxious to hang with the popular crowd in my school days.

I smoke because if I didn't, I'd probably weigh 800+ pounds by now because if I don't have something going on with my hands, well...

See, when I'm typing, reading, or eating, I can go hours without one and never miss it.

Heck, I'm a substitute teacher so work 9 hour days with (if I'm lucky) a 15 minute break for lunch and never once do I miss smoking.

The second I hop into a car, or stop writing, or pause in my reading, I reach for a cig (which, to my mind is better than chocolate bars, ice cream, or anything else food-related).

And, yeah, I've tried numerous times to quit.

I sit on my hands during the down times, but then the nerves become jangled, I can't think straight...

3. Fountain Diet Coke at 7/11

cause I never was a fan of the smell or taste of coffee.

4. Fidgeting

I can't sit still, and will always slip into a rocking chair the way some people must ride shotgun.

And if there isn't a rocker to sit in, I will autistic-ally rock in place, or wildly twitch a foot cause I'm crazy that way.

5. Salt

I wish I had a sweet tooth instead, but it's a salt tooth for me.

Pickles, nuts, black or green olives, potato chips, and whatever else that is salty, I want to eat it... a lot.

6. Fatty Meats

Doesn't matter the cut or type of meat I'm served (well, minus chicken, of course) if there ain't no fat on it, I ain't eating it!

And, just so you know, I'm lucky to be able to eat meat twice a month, so there.

6. Cussing

I have the shameful habit of cussing whenever and wherever and about almost anything whenever I'm speaking informally to friends, family, and yes, even strangers (sometimes).

Shame, shame, shame on me.

7. Lazy

You wouldn't think it considering I just told you my bad habits that prove how spastic and jittery I actually am.

Tying it back in with the procrastination thing, though, it makes sense.

Cleaning my room and hanging up my clothes (which sometimes remain in a neat pile by my bed until the next week, when I do another round of laundry and now have two weeks' worth of clothes to hang up).

8. Judgmental

I think this might be my second-worst bad habit (cigs being the #1)

And maybe it might be better to say Short-Tempered.

So many people and things tick me off that I can't help grumbling about them or secretly despising whoever it is that just did something so ridiculous that I can't help... being mean about it.

Intolerance is another way of defining it, I think.

It never takes much to set me off, and I'm fully aware that it's a horrible habit, but at least I am becoming better at saying, "Stop it, you wicked person you!"

I will mentally remind myself of all my own shortcomings and that no one is perfect.

Just don't ever be in front of me on a road if you drive like an idiot because then all bets are off!


Anything else?

Probably a ton more, but these are the ones that I feel are the worst as far as BAD HABITS go.


I made it.

Thanks ever so much for stopping by to read my tardy entry this week!

Now, please click below to follow the Linky Link and find out the BAD HABITS enjoyed by the rest of this MFRW Author crew.


  1. Well I don't smoke, but pretty much the rest of your list covers me!

  2. Lol, I'm with you about being intolerant on the road. People who don't go when the light changes, people who drive slow in the inside (fast) lane, people who jump to the front of a turn lane and then expect to be let in all drive me crazy (slightly behind them on my crazy scale are the people who let them in).

  3. I can name some of those for myself. I procrastinate, I cuss, and I can be known to have a short temper. Yes idiots on the road set me off as well.


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