I Wish I May, I Wish I Might #MFRWauthor #BlogHop

Hi, everyone!

This is now Week 48 of the MFRW Author Blog 52-Week Blog Challenge, and today's topic is:
5 Things on my Bucket List

Starting with honesty (as usual), I don't particularly possess a Bucket List and I don't really care for the term Bucket List.

It sounds ugly.

I get what it means, though, but think it is a stupid choice of words is all.

Now I need to keep thinking about what to say in 5 different ways to be able to participate.


5. Winning the Lottery
4. Traveling the Globe
3. Owning my Own Island
2. Being a Best-Seller
1. Staying Healthy until at least 70 (so I can keep writing)


5. Being in Alaska on December 21 to see a 24 hour night and again in June for the 24 hour day
4. Publishing a Novel that a lot of People really enjoy Reading
3. Building my Dream Writing Space
2. Swimming in Lake Ontario (the only Great Lake I have yet to set foot in)
1. Spending New Years Eve in NYC

Hope this wasn't too boring a post this week!

It's a late one, too, so apologies for that as well.

Thanks, though, for stopping by to read and please scroll down to the LinkyLink tool and click on the next in line to discover what their 5 Bucket List Items are.


  1. I could go along with all your realistic goals except swimming in the lake. I'm such a wimp when it comes to cold water bodies, LOL! Good list, Raine!

    1. Thank you, Alina! The only 'cold' body of water I've been in (dipped my toes) was Superior. Appreciate your reading my post!

  2. Short and sweet. I agree with you on the name (and idea) of the bucket list. I enjoyed both your lists.

  3. I've been in Lake Ontario, as well as Lake Michigan, the only two Great Lakes I've been in.

    1. Hi, Ed. I've been 'to' Lk Ontario twice, but in Toronto, and the beach was so crowded, I couldn't get to the water! Could not find any public access, either :( Thanks for reading my post!

  4. Interesting list. Having lived in the northeast (actually across from lower Manhattan) I never had the urge to go to Times Square on New Years Eve. I always figured with my luck the closest I'd get to the ball drop or to the performance stage would be blocks and blocks. I prefer food and drink at home rather than none while in a cattle shute. Although I'm sure the energy is amazing.

    1. Hi Helen, thanks for reading my post! What I would actually do if I ever found myself in NYC on New Year's Eve would be to have a Hotel Window view of the street and stand there with a glass of bubbly in hand :D

  5. I like both lists, Raine! I forgot about New Year's in Times Square and your Alaska dream is very cool. I hope you get to do them all!

    1. Thank you, Robin! Glad you stopped by to read my post!

  6. Love your list- and I'd love my own island!

  7. Your post wasn't boring at all. Everything on both lists sounds good to me. One summer I stepped into a shallow part of Lake Superior near Paradise where the water was warm (with bloodsuckers). It got cold real fast as the water got deeper. Brr.


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